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no longer

I've been in public service for just over 13 1/2 years as an elected public official. I am a state constitutional officer since the local government section of the state constitution states that a county shall have at least three officers: the county clerk, the county treasurer and the county sheriff. I come to the courthouse as a public servant to serve.

Do I make mistakes? Yes. Hopefully my mistakes aren't too big to handle and when I do make a mistake I first admit it to myself and then tell someone about it and then I go on to correct what I've done wrong. Simple enough. I've been fortunate enough that I haven't made too many of the same mistakes twice. Good for me and good for the people I serve. I don't get too many compliments, but I'm not in public service for those..I am in public service to help people and to fix their problems. Have I always been successful helping people? No, but that doesn't mean that I didn't try.

Why am I writing about this? Because I read something today that really bothered me. The entry in the Capital Fax Blog for today frankly made me ashamed that we have those in the roles of leadership in the legislative and executive branches of government that don't have the people at heart. After all they are in the role of public servants too. They were elected to help people, but with their current attitudes they give the impression that they only care about themselves and are using the people that need state funding to their own advantage.

Is this merely coincidence, or is this evidence that one-party rule is not working in Illinois? Why then did State Senate President Emil Jones demand a pay raise and Senator Mike Jacobs say that he deserves a pay raise and he is worth every penny? Are they truly getting the job done or is this an example of one-party rule?

On a personal note, I don't know if I deserve what I am paid. I like to think that I earn what I am paid, but I am not the judge of that, the taxpayers are. As a a taxpayer ask if the state legislature and the governor are earning what they make. Do they really deserve a raise in light of the problems they helped to create?

Mr. Blagojevich, Madigan and Jones need to admit to themselves that they made a mistake.
They then need to tell each other that they made a mistake, and when they are done they need to tell the citizens of Illinois they made a mistake. That would enable them to get back to work and balance a budget, or in other words, correct a mistake. I propose the legislature get back in session on August 5th to hammer out the budget problems and allow for enough revenue streams to balance the budget. I want them to show some leadership and get the job done. According to Rich Miller, Illinois used to be a rough and tumble get the job done state, but no longer. Is there enough leadership in the one-party rule Democrat Party to see this through? I doubt it.
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