11:40 AM
new windsor parade: august 14
The New Windsor Fair, Horse Show and Rodeo got underway on Thursday, August 14th. This is always a big event with plenty of entries. The Republicans were well represented with us from Mercer County and Henry County. The people along the route were very enthusiastic. At New Windsor there are many fire/rescue vehicles and horses, which get along better now, because the fire trucks don't "hit" the sirens anymore! The New Windsor Rodeo runs through August 16th.
The Pictures are from top to bottom: Lew Wiley, Mercer County Coroner candidate, Mike Bertelsen, Jeff Benson, Mercer County Circuit Clerk and Vicki Bull.
Me and the entry also helping and representing Steve Sauerberg, U.S. Senate candidate.
The Henry County entry...could they find a bigger truck?
Joe Loving, from Woodhull and myself. Joe and I are Lodge members together in Aledo.
Tim Wells and Loren Rathjen, Henry County Board candidates, me, Lewis Willey and Art Goodrich, Henry County Board candidate