8:35 AM

The Rock Island County Republican Central Committee held their annual bar-b-q on Thursday, August 21st at Indian Bluff Golf Course and Forest Preserve. The event was well attended and I saw mant familiar faces as well as meeting new friends and supporters. The Rock Island County Republicans have been working very hard and the entire committee has been very helpful to me and the campaign. The food was excellent, provided by Famous Dave's. A big thanks to all who attended and helped with the event! News Channel 8 was there providing coverage and I, along with Steve and Rock Island GOP Chairman Susie Carpentier were interviewed.
The special guest was Dr. Steve Sauerberg, M.D., Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. I had met Steve before as he spoke at the Mercer County Lincoln Dinner on May 10th. Steve is big now on energy and he had a press conference that day addressing that issue.
I spoke and I was really fond of the response. The message is change and folks need to tell the ballot that very thing on November 4th.
The pictures are from top to bottom:
Dr. C. Edgar Crockett, ph.D., Professor of Music at Blackhawk College and the band providing some great light jazz.
Brent, Samantha and Carrie Titus on yard sign detail.
Myself and Dr. Sauerberg take a moment to greet one another.
Myself and Matt Larson talk about the issues in the state senate race.