state senator chris lauzen

I received an e-mail from State Senator Chris Lauzen (R - Aurora) who has some very pertinent information I wanted to convey.

This is part of what Senator Lauzen wrote:

ILLINOIS BUDGET: State taxpayers are sending literally $6.5 Billion (with a "b") more to Springfield this year than they did six years ago when Blagojevich, Jones and Madigan were given by our fellow citizens and their party allies total control over state government. Beware of a multi-billion dollar tax increase after November 4 when they are freshly and firmly re-ensconced in office.

Although, I voted "yes" on the $25B capital plan to rebuild our roads (including Route 47), bridges and schools, Blagojevich-Hastert-Poshard came back for even more, $34B that includes $1B (again, with a "b") for "urban revitalization" -- a euphemism for walking around pork spending for Emil Jones along with $600M in unspecified pork for the four party caucuses and the Governor's office. Proponents of this sloppy and greedy waste should be ashamed of themselves -- no matter which political party they come from.

Note that the capital plan has been scaled down to $ 25 billion dollars by the governor for next week's special legislative session. Also note that there is $600 million in "unspecified" legislative appropriations. All the appropriations should accounted for to stop potential abuses and wasteful spending. I am not for "lump-sum" appropriations and support efforts to stop the practice. Also remember that the capital plan does not have a capital improvement plan (CIP) attached to it. A CIP tells us where ALL the money will be spent BEFORE it's voted on.

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