9:02 AM

On Saturday, June 27, the Rock Island Republican Central Committee held their upper Rock Island County event at the Civic Center in Cordova. This is the second year for this and it was a great time. Bobby Schilling, candidate for the U.S. House was there and spoke about getting the 17th District back to a more stable foundation to keep and provide jobs. State Representative Jerry Mitchell from Dixon adressed the gathering and mentioned that the state legislature goes back to Springfield to hopefully get the capital plan in place. The Democrats are holding it up since Governor Quinn decided to take on House Speaker Madigan, at the expense of much needed projects around the state.
Eric Wallace announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate. I like Eric. we first met at the Illinois State GOP Convention in Decatur last year. I extended my support and I hope you do too.
The event was hosted by Rich and Betsy Morthland. Rich is a member of the Rock Island County Board, having won his seat last year. I thank them for their hospitality and friendship.
Pictures: left, Rich Morthaland and Johnathan Wallace; center, Me and Bobby Schilling; right, State Representative Jerry Mitchell