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budget talks a bust

On June 11th three out of the four legislative leaders met in Chicago to discuss the out of balance Illinois FY09 budget. Republican Snate Leader called this meeting unproductive, overshadowed by the impeachment talk.

Senate Republicans have advocated bringing spending under control. Mr. Watson did say that there was agreement to transmit a passed budget to the Governor and he has sixty days to sign it or line item veto parts of the budget.

The capital plan, which is a massive public works program, has been stalled. Some have viewed it as "dead on arrival" when it got to the State House of Representatives. Some have also contended that Mike Madigan's "impeachment memo" (see madigan demo memo link on this blog) is a distraction for lawmakers. Some accuse Madigan of relishing in the distraction.

The Governor has been seen as one to keep the spending alive enriched from revenues garnered by fund raiding.
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