9:19 PM
"Can you get us a new governor?", said one fairgoer to me at the Henry County Fair in Cambridge. I said yes but only with your help. And first things first, how about a new state senator for the 36th? People know that state government is broken and it needs fixed. They don't want tax increases and they are upset with the wasteful spending. They also have told me that they want someone in office who will fix the problems with good common sense solutions. One person said to me that they are sick of the partisanship. Why do the Democrats run everything and seem to keep the Republicans out?
One-party rule obviously isn't working and the time for change is now. More Republicans in office will counter some of the partisanship, but if these Republicans don't take the role of fixing the problems, all the Republicans in the world won't do any good.
The Henry County Fair was a good place to talk to folks and hear their concerns. There were many who realize that more and more of their tax dollars are going to Chicago and roads "around here" need fixing. To add to that, the transit system that downstate tax dollars subsidize is still under financial strain with no end in sight. Our district needs our problems addressed and we can't wait much longer. One might say we can only wait as long as it takes the cows to come home.
I spent four evenings at the fair and I thank the Henry County Republicans for their kind support. The hospitality was great and a big thank you to all who stopped by the booth to say hello and express your concerns and the need for change in Illinois. The exhibits were excellent and I was happy to see so many 4-Hers working to make a better future!
One-party rule obviously isn't working and the time for change is now. More Republicans in office will counter some of the partisanship, but if these Republicans don't take the role of fixing the problems, all the Republicans in the world won't do any good.
The Henry County Fair was a good place to talk to folks and hear their concerns. There were many who realize that more and more of their tax dollars are going to Chicago and roads "around here" need fixing. To add to that, the transit system that downstate tax dollars subsidize is still under financial strain with no end in sight. Our district needs our problems addressed and we can't wait much longer. One might say we can only wait as long as it takes the cows to come home.
I spent four evenings at the fair and I thank the Henry County Republicans for their kind support. The hospitality was great and a big thank you to all who stopped by the booth to say hello and express your concerns and the need for change in Illinois. The exhibits were excellent and I was happy to see so many 4-Hers working to make a better future!