6:52 PM

Illinois City was the palce for the meet and greet sponsored by the Rock Island County Republicans. A big thank you to Susie Carpentier, Rock Island County GOP chairman and Bernie Thiergart, vice-chairman. The attendance was very good with about 80 people from lower Rock Island County and upper Mercer County.
State Senator Dale Righter from Mattoon was there on my behalf. Dale talked about the fiscal problems of Illinois and the results we need to show taxpayers. I talked about the need for a sunshine provision for the proposed budget BEFORE it is voted on by the state legislature and no more lump-sum appropiations in the budget so the money spent can be tracked easier.
Top: Jane Chandler, myself and Susie Carpentier
Next down: Don Richhart, a Freedom Rider from Moline
After that: Myself and State Senator Dale Righter, 55th District
Bottom: John McCutchan, myself and Kevin McCutchan sons of Mike and Kim McCutchan from rurul Aledo